Safari Flower Plant Tissue Culture Lab Services

Our tissue culture services generate clean plants that grow faster and root reliably under our controlled lab environment.

The benefits of tissue culture

Tissue culture not only promotes a quality control of homozygosity across plants grown for commercial purposes but also eliminating diseases and pest infestations.

This process saves money, ensures crops are healthy, and maintains a low risk for propagation.

Micropropagation using plant tissue culture is a superior alternative for propagation of pathogen-free and true-to-type cannabis stock plants.

Cannabis is conventionally propagated via seeds and cuttings.

Tissue culture is rapidly becoming a commercial method for propagating new and rare cannabis cultivars.

Our tissue culture services generate clean plants that grow faster and root reliably under our controlled lab environment. Our federally funded plant centre developed innovative procedures that can mass produce pathogen-free Cannabis plants to assist cultivators plan for commercial launches of new products trends.

We have completed R&D projects that demonstrate the rooted plantlet transfer to our cultivation rooms manufactures a quality assurance that is sustainable and saves costs. Our team can provide you with the experience and efforts required to produce clones or mother plant stock in an efficient and profitable manner. Below contains the list of services that offered by Safari Flower’s Micropropagation Laboratory.

Our Lab Services